Man City Stuff

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Yes it is true!

Corruption in football is widespread, the FA, UEFA and FIFA are all well known for it, but intereference and corruption happens at club level too.

Another Lazy BBC Article

By: Ted Fred Franky, Refuting misinformation, May 9, 2024  3 months ago

More misrepresentation of the Premier League Case Against City by the BBC This article was almost cetainly written by Dan Roan or at his behest by one of his minions: The firs tthing to note is the facts in this article are a regurgitation of other misleading articles flaoting around the web. So let’s lok […]

What was the G14 / G18?

By: Ted Fred Franky, Refuting misinformation, January 15, 2024  6 months ago

The power and influence of this clandestine organisation based in Switzerland.

Premier League Structure

By: Ted Fred Franky, Refuting misinformation, January 15, 2024  6 months ago

How is this organisation set up and run? The Premier League was set up by Liverpool FC Director Rick Parry on 27 May 1992 and he was the original shareholder: THE FOOTBALL ASSOCIATION PREMIER LEAGUE LIMITED Company number 02719699 There are rules about returning shares on relegation and re-allocating these to newly promoted clubs, but […]

Bias Media Influence

By: Ted Fred Franky, Refuting misinformation, January 15, 2024  6 months ago

The deliberate mis-reporting of the Manchester City and FFP in the UK Media

Premier League Corrupt?

By: Ted Fred Franky, Refuting misinformation, January 2, 2024  7 months ago

Constantly changing the rules to try to restrospectively punish City The charges against City won’t stand, but it shows the real desperation of the attempts by Arsenal, Liverpool and Manchester United to manipulate the Premier League. As I’ve had said elsewhere, Rule X of the Premier League Handbook 2022-23 (in force when these charges were […]

Monopolies Commission

By: Ted Fred Franky, Refuting misinformation, June 6, 2023  1 year ago

Do the ‘big clubs’ have a monopoly? What is the break down of supporters by club? If you add up the average home attendances at all the premier league and football laague clubs, you get a figure of around 1,200,000, which suggests this is the total number of football supporters. However they no longer provide […]